Saturday, March 3, 2007

Class of 2007 - It's Time

Hey gang...

I know all of you are busy and that you have a million things on your individual plates, but we have to meet as a group. There are things you need to know about your post-graduate job search so that you can plan your time over the next several very important months. You need to know what you can do now and what you will have to wait for, so that you can focus on studying for the Bar Exam.

In addition, I have started a new program this year, called ApplyForMe (I know, a little cheesy sounding). Here's the deal. You tell us where you want to work (Nassau, Suffolk, NYC, etc.), the kind of employer for whom you would like to work (firm, government, public interest, etc.), and the practice areas that interest you (real estate, family, litigation, etc.); you provide us with a resume and cover letter (via email, so we can send it to employers by email when neceesary); and we will apply to jobs for you as they come into our office while you are studying for the Bar (when you job search, justifiably, takes a back seat). We will fax or email your resumes out the day we get the job listing.

Please, make the time for me. Know what you are doing so that you can enter the Bar study period with confidence.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

12:30 - 1:30 & 5:30 - 6:30

Room 310

Thank you.

---Dean Gilbert

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