Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Younger Well-Dressed Law Prof Notes Clothing Generation Gap"

A December 17, 2010 article in the ABA Journal Online, by Debra Cassens Weiss, talks about something of a male generation gap of style and fashion:

"Fashion observers are noting something of a clothing generation gap between baby boomer men given to wearing sloppy dressed-down duds and the younger generation of men who are embracing cutting-edge fashion.

Among the observers is Samuel Rascoff, a 36-year-old law professor at New York University who sports a tie and dress suit in the photo for his law school bio. “The fashion gene skipped a generation,” he tells the New York Times.

The Times notes that the hippie movement took pride in shunning the corporate look. “Now the tie is on the other neck,” the story says. “Today the well-off 55-year-old is likely to be the worst-dressed man in the room, wearing a saggy T-shirt and jeans. The cash-poor 25-year-old is in a natty sport coat and skinny tie bought at Topman for a song.”

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To read the rest of the article, go here.

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