Thursday, September 4, 2008

Internet Dos and Don'ts

The September 2008 issue of the NALP bulletin contains an interesting article entitled E-Professionalism Dos and Don'ts by Tracy Evans (Director of Career Services at Louisiana State University Law Center) and Amy Gerwitz (Associate Director, Alumni Counseling and Relations, Pace University School of Law). The article talks about how best to use e-resources to present yourself in a positive light.

For example ... a few of the "dos" are:

1. Do a regular online search of your name (Google, Yahoo, Ask). If necessary, consider hiring a company to “clean up” your online image.

2. Keep your online profiles private, letting in only those you trust and know personally. Check friends’ profiles on a regular basis to monitor what pictures and comments are being posted about you.

3. Record a professional voicemail message at home and on your cell phone. Employers may think you have a beautiful voice if you choose to sing your message, but they won’t be impressed with your professionalism.

The "don'ts" include:

1. Don’t risk putting inappropriate content on the Internet, including on social networking sites, blogs, message boards, YouTube, etc. Don’t assume that just because you don’t put inappropriate content online, others can’t or won’t do so, and their content may include your name or pictures, etc.

2. Don’t assume that even though your profile settings are private, employers and others may not see them.

3. Don’t assume that employers are not con¬ducting electronic background checks on you; they are and will continue to do so.

4. Don’t over blog unless the content is professional. In particular, don’t put anything about your employer in a blog; employees have been fired for this.

Go here to read the entire article.

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