Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Writing Your Résumé: Tips from Leading Litigators"

The website of the Section of Litigation of the American Bar Association lists many very useful tips on resume writing from the litigators of the Section.

"Your résumé is often the first point of contact between you and your prospective employer. Writing an effective resume is a challenging task, but it need not be intimidating. We've compiled advice from leaders in the Section of Litigation who have risen through the ranks and have learned a thing or two about effective résumés along the way.

General Tips

* Nothing will hurt your employment chances more than a typographical error in your résumé. Lawyers have to be able to keep track of the little details.
* Be especially careful about your use of plurals and possessive as spellcheck won’t catch improper use.
* Although “memorandums” it not technically incorrect, the common usage in the legal field is “memoranda.”
* Your personal email address says something about you. If it is not a professional choice, such as your name, consider choosing a new email address.

. . ."

To read the remainder of this very good article, go here.

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